Posts Tagged ‘ Atlus ’

Atlus announces Persona 5 for Japan


In an all new teaser trailer from Atlus, they have at long last confirmed that they are indeed working on the next installment of the Persona franchise. Continue reading

ATLUS’ parent company to sell off assets

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It seems like 2013 is not a good year for game companies. We have yet another giant publisher going out of business and this time, it is all the way over from Japan. Persona/Shin Megami Tensei developer ATLUS‘ parent company, Index Corporation has recently filed for bankruptcy due to a debt of 24.5 billion yen (approximately 250 million USD). Continue reading

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl now available for pre-orders

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As you may or may not have noticed, the Nintendo 3DS has been building up a lot of traction with Atlus leading the charge. In the past 7 months, Atlus has released 3 JRPGs, including the highly anticipated Shin Megami Tensei IV which is to be released on July 16th. Continue reading